Stage 0/1: I have been a lovely ladybug working through one-one counting using materials
1. Read numbers to 10
2. Count forwards to 10
3. Count backwards from 10
4. Say the number after a number 0 to 10
5. Say the number before a number 1 to 10
6. Order numbers 0 to 10
7. Count a set of objects up to 10 using one-one matching
8. Form a set of up to 10 objects
9. Join and split objects in a group up to 10
10. Instantly recognise patterns to 5
Stage 2/3: I have been a beautiful butterfly working through counting from one using imaging.
1. Read any number from 11 to 20
2. Count forwards to 20
3. Count backwards from 20
4. Say the number after a number in the range 11-20
5. Say the number before a number in the range 11-20
6. Order numbers to 20
7. Understand groupings within 5 e.g. 3 and 2
8. Understand groupings with 5 e.g. 5 and 1
9. Understand groupings within 10 e.g 4 + 2
10. Know doubles to 10
11. Instantly recognise patterns to 10 (dice, tens frames, fingers)
12. Skip count in 2s to 20
13. Skip count in 10s to 100
14. Solve simple addition problems by counting all the objects or imaging in my head
15. Solve simple subtraction problems by counting all the objects or imaging in my head
16. Solve simple multiplication and division problems counting all the objects or by imaging in my head
17. Continue sequential patterns and number patterns based on ones
18. Find half and quarter of shapes or sets by equally sharing the objects
Stage 4: I have been a fantastic flower counting using advanced counting.
1. Read any number up to 100
2. Count forwards from any number in the range 0-100
3. Count backwards from any number in the range 0-100
4. Say the number after any number up to 100
5. Say the number before any number up to 100
6. Order numbers in the range 0-100
7. Know addition facts that make 10 e.g. 8 and 2
8. Know teen number facts e.g. 10 + 2
9. Know the number of tens in decades e.g. 6 tens in 60
10. Understand groupings to 20 e.g. 17 + 3
11. Know doubles and halves to 20
12. Skip count forwards 2s, 5s & 10s within the range 0-100
13. Know multiples of 10 that add to 100 e.g. 40 + 60
14. Solve addition problems by counting on from the largest number in my head
15. Solve subtraction problems by counting back from the largest number in my head
16. Solve multiplication problems by skip-counting e.g. 4 x 5 = 5, 10, 15, 20
17. Read unit fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, 1/5 symbols
18. Find ½ and ¼ of shapes and skip count to find fractions of sets
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